Free Realistic Glued Paper Textures Collection

Free Realistic Glued Poster Textures Collection

Introducing our Free Realistic Glued Paper Textures Collection! This incredible resource offers a diverse selection of 40 high-quality textures, meticulously scanned at 300 dpi for exceptional detail. Whether you’re a graphic designer, photographer, or simply someone looking to add a touch of authenticity to your creative projects, these paper textures are perfect for you.

Unlimited downloads of 15+ million creative assets.
Envato elements

Available in both 3×4 and 1×1 formats, our collection allows you to effortlessly recreate the look and feel of real glued paper directly within your favorite software, such as Photoshop or any other compatible program. Immerse your designs in the charm of traditional paper crafting without the mess and limitations of physical materials.

Unleash your creativity and elevate your visual content with these stunning textures. Enhance your Instagram posts, design captivating social media graphics, or produce high-quality mockups that exude realism. The possibilities are endless, and with our easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll be able to dive right in and achieve professional results in no time.

Free Realistic Glued Paper Textures Collection

Free Realistic Glued Poster Textures Collection
Format: JPG
Size: 416 MB
Designer: Groteskly Yours Studio
License: Free for personal use
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